NS Design WAV4c Double Bass - Transparent Red - Coform Fingerboard
For the bassist entering the world of the pure electric upright,this instrument offers the combination of design, performance andaffordability exceeding any other instrument in its class. True to theNS tradition, the WAV readily captures the essence of an acoustic, yetopens up a wide range of new possibilities.
With electronics are fully based around the NS patented ,the WAV upright bass is available in 4 or 5 string models with severalcolor choices to please the eye as well. The WAV proudly shares the sameelegant, modern body design, ergonomics and performance support optionsof its companions in the NS line.
The WAV's Polar pickup system includes a convenient toggle switchbetween Arco and Pizzicato mode. Use the Arco mode for a traditionalacoustic response for either bowing and a percussive plucked sound, orswitch to the Pizzicato mode for uniquely even and sustained pluckedsound, opening up new dimensions to the sound pallet. The piezo-poweredpassive electronics deliver an amazingly natural tone with unlimitedoverhead for extraordinary performance without the need or hassle ofbatteries.
FEATURESThe solid maple body and neck with a graduated fingerboard, deliversthe rich, full tone you expect from every NS Instrument. The WAV Seriesbrings the same clarity and fullness with every note. Asymmetricalfingerboard relief and an adjustable bridge and two-way truss rod allowthe player to tweak the neck relief and string heights to suit the musicand personal playing style.
Compact and lightweight, the WAV Double Bass is an excellentinstrument for musicians on the move. It comes equipped with a stand,and padded gig bag that carries the instrument with a handle and strapand includes separate pouch compartments for storing the stand, bow andaccessories. The loaded gig bag will fit in the overhead compartment ofmost commercial aircraft. An optional hard-shell flight case isavailable for the WAV Double Bass.
and most traditional acoustic strings fit all NS Double Basses,allowing the player to select from a wide range, each with a uniquesound and feel. In combination with the easy adjustment of basic set-upparameters, the WAV Series Bass is adaptable to virtually any style ofmusic.
Several interchangeable performance support systems are available forthe WAV: The standard WAV/NXT Tripod Stand; the heavy-duty (optional); the more conventional and optional (used in conjunction with the CR Tripod Stand); or full mobility either the or the .
SpecificationsLENGTH: 132 cm (52")
WIDTH: 15 cm (6")
THICKNESS: 10 cm (4")
WEIGHT: 4-String 8lbs 12.8oz (4.0 kg); 5-String 9lbs (4.1 kg)
SCALE LENGTH: 106 cm (41.73")
STRINGS: 4 or 5 (Low B). Compatible with most standard ¾ size double bass strings.
BODY/NECK: Solid, straight grain maple neck andbody. Flame maple face on the Amberburst, Transparent Red, andTransparent Black models; Brilliant White model has solid maple.
FINGERBOARD: Asymmetric relief for easy playability in every position. Intonation referenced with cascading dot markers. Rosewood or .
TRUSS ROD: Two-way truss rod, accessible at neck.
TUNING HARDWARE: Fully encased worm gear tuners, black finish.
BRIDGE PICKUP: The Polar piezo pickup systemresponds selectively to either vertical vibration (for the sustainedplucked sound, like an electric bass guitar), or lateral vibration (fordynamic bowing, and a percussive plucked sound).
ELECTRONICS & CONTROLS: Passive circuit withhigh impedance output, no batteries required. Volume control, tonecontrol (treble roll off) and a switch to select between Arco andPizzicato mode.
:WAV/NXT tripod stand is standard, black painted steel, fully adjustableheight and instrument angle. Folds for easy storage and fits into theWAV gig bag. Weight 2.7 kg (6 lbs.).
: Optional; steel tripod stand, fully adjustable height and instrument angle. Weight 3.6kg (8 lbs.).
:The optional Bass End Pin Stand offers full freedom of movement.Height, tilt and "right bout" angle are fully adjustable providing amore conventional feel. Weight 3 kg (7 lbs).
:To hold the instrument upright for on-stand performance or when not inuse, the Bass End Pin Stand can be attached to the CR Tripod Stand (notcompatible with the WAV/NXT Tripod Stand) using the optional End PinStand Conversion Kit.
:This optional support system has a pivoting friction hub that holds theinstrument firmly in place close to the body. Attached with a guitarstyle strap to its two support arms, the system allows the instrument tobe moved into virtually any position in relation to the hands and bodyas it is played. Weight is .45 kg (1 lbs.).
:This optional accessory is a lightweight frame structure that allowsfull mobility to perform in standing or upright position, holding theinstrument out from the body similar to the reference in traditionalpositioning. The system is supported by a single guitar style strapextending over the left shoulder. Weight is 0.68kg (1.5 lbs.).
GIG BAG: A padded gig bag is included as a standardaccessory. It has a stand compartment, bow compartment, accessorypocket, handle and adjustable shoulder strap. Loaded weight is 11.2 kg(25 lbs.) including stand, and it fits in the overhead luggagecompartment of most commercial aircraft.
:Optional, aluminum edged plywood, 145 cm (57") long; 25 cm (10") wide;25 cm (10") high. Loaded weight is 24 kg (53 Ibs.), including stand.