Koch 4x12 360W Speaker Cabinet - Black Cloth/Rear Mounted KCC412-BBRM Special Order
Our KCC Series speaker cabinets are the ultimateguitar extension cabinets. Designed specifically to match all ouramplifiers, the KCC speaker cabinets feature void-free multi-ply balticbirch construction, sealed back and special bracing and tuning foroptimum guitar sound reproduction. All our speaker cabinets areinternally wired with the new Koch Dynacon speaker cable for sparklinghighs, tight bass and a warm mid response. The result is a series ofstunningly lively cabinets with a huge sound stage and a natural soundexperience. These new speaker cabinets come in various models, each witha unique tonal flavor.
18 mm, 13 layer baltic birch plywood
All glued wood-to-wood dado joints
Fixed and sealed back baffle for ultimate strength and ruggedness
Braced and tuned for the best sound
Big-sized speaker cabinet for optimal Tonal Display
4x12 cabinets, one piece baffle
Custom designed 12" KOCH VG12-90 speakers
Switching options to match any amps output impedance or dual amp setups, more info here
Heavy Duty corners and handles
Our own unique black vinyl
Available with stylish black grill cloth
Internal wiring: Koch Dynacon varicore speaker cable
Comes with 5ft/1,5m Koch Dynacon speaker cable
Powerhandling: 1 x 360W RMS or 2 x 180W RMS
TheSTYLISH BLACK speaker cloth in the Rear mounted speakers. Due to ourbaffle mounting-system, the speakers are Rear mountable. The speakersare Rear mounted has a significant impact on the sound of the cabinet.Rear speaker mounting will give you a lush sound. A little less hi-fi, alittle more brown. Fat low end and fantastic mid range.
Connection options
4 Ohm
16 Ohm
Stereo 2 x 8 Ohm
Dual mono 2 x 8 Ohm
Koch Speakers
Allour combos and cabinets are standard equipped with Koch speakers. Inour never ending quest for perfection, we realized that not only the ampdesign, but also the speakers are an essential part of the total soundexperience. Currently, we have three models: the VG12-90, the VG12-60and the VG10-25.
The VG12-90 used in these cabinets is alreadyknown for his sweet tone, bell-like highs and astounding bass response.At both low and high volume levels, the VG12-90 excels in all musicstyles. Our own design speakers are the perfect match for all ouramplifiers.
- KOCH KCC412 4x12" 360W Rear Mounted Speaker Cabinet
- 5' Speaker Cable
- KOCH Warranty