NS Design CR4 Violin - Amber - Fretted
NS Design's CR Electric Violin,available in both 4 and 5 string models, standard and fretted, is thepreeminent electric violin on the market today. Designed by NedSteinberger, the violin has a remarkable tonal range due to itsinnovative ,which is able to selectively capture the string vibration favored forboth bow and pizzicato technique with stunning brilliance andsensitivity. The violinist who prefers the elegant tone of a fineacoustic will not be disappointed, and for those who wish to explore newsonic territory, the sky is the limit.
The solid-body NS Electric Violin incorporates the familiarperformance features of an acoustic instrument, including a removablebout segment to provide the left-hand reference position of atraditional instrument. Traditional string spacing and scale lengthfacilitate the transition from the acoustic instrument to the world ofthe electric violin. Direct amplification and recording capabilitiesallow the violinist to experience the vast range of electronic andamplified performance opportunities, yet continue to savor the essenceand timeless magic of the violin.
FeaturesSOLID MAPLE BODY AND NECK: The CR Violin is craftedof solid maple, with an elegant flame maple face. This lightweightsolid-body design transfers the full spectrum of sound to the pickupwithout feedback, and is very stable even with changes in temperatureand humidity. The ergonomic shoulder and chin rest provide comfortable,stable support, and a removable treble side bout is included for lefthand position reference. The solid ebony fingerboard is hand graduatedfor consistent string articulation.
PERFORMANCE SUPPORT SYSTEMS: The CR Violin comes equipped with the which can be formed by the player to fit the body perfectly. Theergonomically contoured ebony chin rest is designed to work in tandemwith the Custom Shoulder Rest for control, comfort and security. The is optional, offering a range of positions for individual fit, styleand comfort, providing entirely new levels of ergonomic support. As anoption, the violin can also attach to NS Design's revolutionary which secures it effortlessly in optimal playing position.
BRIDGE PICKUP: The Polar directional piezo pickupsystem responds selectively to either vertical vibration (for thesustained plucked sound, like a mandolin), or lateral vibration (fordynamic bowing, and a percussive plucked sound).
ACTIVE ELECTRONICS: The dual mode preamp allows theplayer to choose between two very distinct tone qualities. The firstmode delivers the full frequency response of modern low impedanceelectronics, for a rich, full-blown "electric violin" sound. The secondis balanced to produce the frequency response of the traditional violin,for a more "acoustic" sound. A three-way toggle switch allows theplayer to select the desired pickup and electronics options. Additionalcontrols include volume and individual bass EQ & treble EQ controls.
PRECISION TUNING HARDWARE: With the ,remarkably precise and stable tuning is accomplished entirely behindthe bridge, in the manner similar to the fine tuners of an acousticinstrument. With the elimination of the traditional scroll and pegs,weight is shifted in towards the body of the player for optimum comfort.Although specially formulated from D'Addario„¢ are recommended, any standard solid or stranded coreviolin string will fit the NS Violin. We do not recommend nylon (Perlon)core or gut core strings.
SpecificationsLENGTH: 540 MM (21.25")
WIDTH: 110 MM (4 5/16")
THICKNESS: 65 MM (2 9/16")
WEIGHT: 720 grams (25.5 oz)
SCALE LENGTH: 330 MM (13")
ModelBridgeNut4-string33.5 mm (1 5/16")16.2 mm (4 1/64")5-string44 mm (1 3/4")21 mm (5 3/64")CONSTRUCTION: Straight grain quarter-sawn solid European maple body and neck, with a flame maple face.
FINISH: Traditional amber stain with polymer topcoat. Custom finish options are available for the CR Violin includingSlate Gray, Quilted Maple, Poplar Burl and Zebrawood.
BODY REFERENCE BOUT: Black-dyed maple bout on treble side provides standard violin reference. Easily removable for unrestricted neck access.
FINGERBOARD: Hand-graduated ebony.
BRIDGE: Black-dyed maple, height adjustable via screws on back of body.
STRINGS: by D'Addario„¢ are standard. Compatible with solid and stranded coreviolin strings. Synthetic core strings are not recommended.
PRECISION TUNING HARDWARE: Fine tuners are mountedon the body behind the bridge for precise, stable tuning. Automaticstring clamping allows for quick, easy string changes.
BRIDGE PICKUP: The Polar directional piezo pickupsystem responds selectively to either vertical vibration (forremarkably even and sustained plucked/pizzicato sound, like a mandolin),or lateral vibration (for dynamic bowing, and a percussive pluckedsound).
ACTIVE ELECTRONICS: Dual mode preamp allows theplayer to choose between two distinct tone qualities: (1) the extendedfrequency response of modern low impedance electronics, for full-blown"electric" sound, and (2) active electronic shaping to replicate thefrequency response of the traditional violin, for a more "acoustic"sound. A three-way toggle switch allows the player to select the desiredpickup and electronics options.
- Volume
- Treble EQ
- Bass EQ
- 3-way Switch for Polar pickup:
- forward - vertical string vibration for sustained pizzicato
- center - lateral string vibration, full frequency for arco
- back - lateral string vibration, "acoustic" timbre for arco
HEADPHONE JACK: 1/8" headphone jack for silent practice and self-monitoring.
SHOULDER AND CHIN REST OPTIONS: The is a standard option included with the CR Violin and can be formed bythe player to fit the body perfectly. The contoured ebony chinrest isdesigned to work in tandem with the Custom Shoulder Rest. As an option,the violin can also attach to NS Design's revolutionary ,which secures it effortlessly in optimal playing position and isergonomically designed to support the instrument securely without theleft hand. Knobs are located within easy reach of the right hand soadjustments can be made with the instrument in playing position. Theoptional offers a range of positions for individual fit, style and comfort, providing entirely new levels of ergonomic support.
NS VIOLIN CASE: Customized for the NS Violin, thisstandard hardshell case with handle and shoulder strap includes separatecompartments for shoulder rest and accessories, a bow compartment andexterior zipper pouch. Made with durable Cordura fabric, 3.2 kg (7 lb) loaded weight.
(optional): Aluminum edged plywood. Outside Dimensions: 88 cm (34.5?)long; 28 cm (11.5?) wide; 20 cm (7.75?) high. Inside Dimensions (fromfoam edge to foam edge) : 32.25? long; 9.95? wide; 5.5? height(including top cover recess). Loaded weight is approximately 13 kg (30lbs.).