Grover 3 Per Side Or 6 In Line Mini Roto-Grip Locking Rotomatics Gold
A smaller version of the regular size ROTO-GRIP lockers for the in line and smaller headstocks or for those who prefer a lighter feel.6-in-line, Set of 6 (505C6 Chrome), (505BC6 Black Chrome), (505G6 Gold)3 Treble and 3 Bass, Set of 6 (505C Chrome), (505BC Black Chrome), (505G Gold)12-string, Set of 12 (505C12 Chrome), (505BC12 Black Chrome), (505G12 Gold)- Peghole size requirements = 25/64 in. (10mm)- Post height = 1 inch including collar (25.4mm)- Post Diameter = 15/64 in. (6mm)- Collar height = 25/64 in. (10mm)- Mounting Hole location = Single screw located at approx 4 O\'clock treble side, 8 O\'clock bass side